Housing & Community Development Department

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Michelle Starratt
Housing Director


Annual CDLAC Compliance Reports

Multi Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Compliance Reports

Alameda County HCD issues Multi Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds for affordable housing projects county-wide. For Bond issuances after 2000, CDLAC requires annual reports to be sent in by March 1 each year. HCD will utilize tenant information provided from the Annual Compliance Reports, but will also need to verify if the benefits listed in the CDLAC Resolutions for each project are being provided (education, health and wellness, childcare, etc). Please download the following documents and submit to HCD by mid-February each year.

There are two separate Excel spreadsheets that must be completed. The first is the Annual Financial Report and the second is the Annual Compliance Report. The Annual Financial Report uses the same chart of accounts and many of the same reporting requirements as State.

  • Certification on letterhead and signed by authorizing officer
  • CDLAC Certification - download here if you have never submitted one for the project

If not already provided, current MOU and Service Agreements

Reports should be sent to HCDReports@acgov.org by February 20th of each year.