Type Regular
Objective The Commission may adopt rules for the enforcement of the civil service provisions of applicable state laws, the Charter and ordinances not inconsistent therewith.
Established 1968-01-01
Authority Alameda County Charter Section 33-45, Administrative Code Chapter 2.38
Agency/Dept Human Resource Services
Location 1405 Lakeside Drive    Oakland CA  94612    QIC: 26012
Staff Person Nina Hinton Work: 510-272-6435
Term (Seats) Members shall be appointed for a term of years 5 years as set forth in Section 2.38.040, Administrative Code) and until his successor is appointed and qualified. Upon the expiration of the term of any Commissioner, the Board of Supervisors shall appoint his/her successor for a term of five years. Any vacancy in the office of the Commissioner shall be filled by the Board of Supervisors for the unexpired term. Each Commissioner shall serve until the first Monday after the first day of January of the fifth year following his/her appointment, or until his/her successor is appointed and qualified. No Commissioner shall hold any other salaried County office.
Meetings Every two weeks, Wednesday
Qualifications Commissioners shall be appointed only from electors of the county who have been residents of the county for 5 years next preceding their appointments and whose names are upon the assessment roll at the time of appointment. No commissioner shall hold any other county salaried office. (Chapter 2.38.030)
Appointments The Commission consists of 5 commissioners appointed by the board of supervisors, each a resident of the County for five years next preceding his/her appointment, and his/her name shall be on the County Assessment role at the time thereof. The Board of Supervisors by a four-fifths vote of all the members, may remove a Commissioner during his/her term of office, but only upon stating in writing the reasons for such removal, and allowing him an opportunity to be publicly heard in his/her own defense. The Commission shall elect one of its members President.