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What is the Alameda County Youth Leadership Academy?
Educate - Communicate - Collaborate
The Alameda County Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) is a free, educational program that enables high school youth to learn about local government while completing a career development and job readiness program alongside their peers. This award-winning program emphasizes interaction, engagement, and collaboration amongst cohort members and County leadership to learn about County programs, services, and community-based issues.
What are the Goals of the Academy?
- To promote civic-engagement, community service, and leadership.
- To educate Alameda County high school juniors and seniors about the County’s departments and Agencies, as well as the programs and services the County provides its constituents.
- To support self-development and professional development.
Who operates the Alameda County Youth Leadership Academy?
The program is facilitated by staff from the County Administrator's Office and each session is hosted by a different County agency/department. At each session, staff, department heads, or elected officials make presentations and facilitate group discussions regarding the role and programs offered by the hosting departments as well as incorporate team exercises for participants to apply what they have learned.
When are the Sessions?
The Academy consists of five Saturday morning sessions (8:30am - 12:30pm) that focus on different aspects of County services such as Heath Care, Social Services, Public Protection, the County budget and Careers. Each session provides a forum for participants to learn, speak out and be heard about issues that affect youth and their communities.
How can I apply for the Alameda County Youth Leadership Academy?
Applications are currently closed.
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Who Can Participate?
To be eligible, applicants must be a high school junior or senior at a school within Alameda County, and reside in Alameda County. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis with consideration given to geographic location to ensure representation of all five Board of Supervisors districts.

1st United Credit Union is a community partner of the 2020 Youth Leadership Academy.