County Broadway Properties
Website Updated: November 10, 2020
Alameda County is seeking to develop two County-owned properties in the City of Oakland as residential/mixed use development. The property offerings (the "Properties") consist of two full city blocks between 4th and 5th Streets, separated by Broadway. The Properties are highly visible lynch-pin sites that create the gateway to the Jack London Square neighborhood from downtown Oakland and are well served by transit.
The County is seeking to have the Properties developed, under long-term ground leases, in a manner that produces the most housing units at the most affordable level possible in the most expedient manner possible, while incorporating the City of Oakland's vision for the Properties and with the active engagement of the community.
The process for the development of the County Broadway Properties began with the release of a Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") to affordable and market-rate multi-family developers on July 22, 2020. Six responses to the RFQ were received by the County by the September 10, 2020 deadline.
Following a thorough review of the submitted qualifications, the County has selected three development teams, based on their outstanding development experience and financial capacity, to move to the next stage of the County Broadway Properties development process. These three development teams are now being invited to respond to a Request for Proposals ("RFP") to develop one, or both, of the Properties.
The selected development teams are:
- Carmel Partners and Bridge Housing
- Lowe and Eden Housing
- Related Companies and East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation
The November 10, 2020 Request for Proposals and associated RFP Appendices are available for viewing and download below. Responses to the RFP must be received by the County by January 28, 2021, which will then be evaluated in accordance with the RFP.
County Broadway Properties Request for Proposals
- Request for Proposals:
- RFP Appendix A:
- Request for Qualifications - 401 Broadway and 430 Broadway, Oakland California (1.3 MB)
- RFQ Appendices
- 401 Broadway Preliminary Title Report
- 430 aka 400 Broadway Preliminary Title Report
- 499 5th Street Broadway Preliminary Title Report
- B'way ALTA 2020-01-28 (1.7 MB)
- RFQ Addendums
- RFQ Addendum 1: Submitted Questions and Answers
- RFQ Addendum 2: BART Tunnel Easement and Requirements
RFQ Appendix II:
RFQ Appendix III:
- RFP Appendix B:
- RFP Appendix C:
- RFP Appendix D:
- RFP Appendix E: