1106 Madison Street, Suite 233Oakland, CA 94607Telephone: 510.272.3895

Diversity Programs Unit logo


ADA Program Access

Alameda County is committed to ensuring that qualified individuals with disabilities have access to all of the County's programs, services, and activities. Diversity Programs ensure that accessibility is available for all individuals with disabilities without regard to whether an individual has mobility, vision or hearing impairments. Program accessibility includes having accessible building signage and public telephones, alarms with visible signals, policies and practices which provide individuals with disabilities with equally effective opportunities to participate or benefit from county programs, services, and activities.

Affirmative Action Plan

Federal law requires that counties receiving federal grants prepare an Affirmative Action Plan which allows an organization to monitor its employment practices to ensure that they are nondiscriminatory. The Affirmative Action Plan is a tool that (1) helps the County ensure equal opportunity in recruitment, hiring, and employment and (2) identifies deficiencies and determines corrective actions. The Diversity Programs work with each county department to compile the countywide Affirmative Action Plan.

Annual Disability Employment Awareness Conference & Training

Every year in October, Alameda County celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month by sponsoring the annual countywide disability employment awareness conference and training for managers and supervisors. The Diversity Programs plan and coordinate the conference to promote the creation of a diverse workforce inclusive of people with disabilities and provides supervisory employees with the knowledge, insight and tools to effectively work with applicants, employees and constituents with disabilities and provides a pathway to tap into an underutilized talent pool.

Diversity and Inclusion Program

The aim of diversity is to integrate Alameda County's workforce through the development and implementation of policies, practices, and systems that maximize each employee's potential and opportunity to contribute to the County's mission. The Diversity Programs develop and implement programs which support this mission including ensuring county compliance with equal employment opportunity laws/policies, non-discriminatory delivery of public programs, activities and services in addition to the promotion of a discrimination-and harassment-free work environment.

Employment Discrimination Complaint Program

The county's discrimination complaint program is an internal administrative process allowing an employee/applicant to seek resolution of his or her complaint. Diversity Programs receive and investigate complaints of discrimination filed with its office, monitors discrimination complaint investigations conducted by the County's agencies/departments, and ensures timely transmittal of County responses to employment discrimination charges filed by with external agencies.

List of Department Diversity Coordinators (PDF - 148kb)* by agency and departments.

Multilingual / Multicultural Program

The County supports and promotes activities and services reflecting its multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multilingual workforce and communities. The Diversity Programs oversee supports interpretative services (i.e. document translation, over-the-phone and in person interpreters) for County sponsored educational and awareness activities to assist limited and non-English speakers in fully accessing County services, activities and programs.

Project SEARCH Internship Program

In 2009, Alameda County entered into a collaborative partnership with East Bay Innovations and the Oakland Adult Career and Education Program to develop and implement a 12-month internship program for qualified individuals with developmental disabilities. The program provides the interns with on-the-job skills training in a public sector work setting and the opportunity to use these skills for gainful employment. The Diversity Programs act as the County Liaison working in partnership with these collaborators and County staff to ensure successful program implementation in support of workforce development for persons which are generally underutilized or overlooked for employment opportunities.

Interested in hosting an intern? Contact Diversity Programs and take a look at this short video on a former intern's success story through Project Search and Step Up Employment Programs.

STEP UP Employment Program

The STEP UP Program is a commitment by Alameda County to enhance employment opportunities for qualified individuals with severe disabilities. Prospective applicants are not required to participate in the traditional civil service examination process, but instead with a certificate of severe disability from the State of California, Department of Rehabilitation, would submit an application, and potentially be asked to participate in an interview to ensure that the applicant meets the minimum qualifications for the position. The successful candidate must then perform the job satisfactorily for a 12 months probationary period before attaining permanent status in the position. The Human Resource Services Department is responsible for the selection process. Diversity monitors the Step Up program's progress and facilitates quarterly meetings of the STEP UP Program Advisory Committee.

Click here, for more information on Step UP.

Whistleblower Complaint Program

It is the intent of the County to protect employees from being subjected to disciplinary action for having disclosed the following types of information: mismanagement or significant waste of funds, abuse of authority, or substantial and specific danger to public health or safety. Whistleblower complaints are filed with the Clerk of the Board and investigated by Diversity Programs.

Matricula Consular Ordinance

It is the intent of the County to accept the "Matricula Consular" photo identification card, issued by Mexican Consulates in the United States, as a valid identification of a Mexican National for County identification purposes.

Supplier Diversity

It is the intent of the County to boost the local economy by supporting diversely-owned, historically underutilized businesses through County contracting and professional development opportunities.

For more information please see, Small, Local & Emerging Businesses Program (SLEB), General Service Agency (GSA), and East Bay Economic Development Alliance (East Bay EDA).