Success Stories
Here are a few projects we're particularly proud of because they've helped us restore our communities and reduce large amounts of greenhouse gases, and save taxpayer dollars. For a more about our projects, see what we work on.
Going for the Gold in Green Building: Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center
When the Juvenile Justice Center opened in 2007, Alameda County's at-risk youth could for the first time receive integrated health, education, legal and correction services in one location. The Center provides a healing environment with natural light, fresh air, and inspiring art. Its green operations care for the youth's future by preserving California's water and energy resources, fighting climate change, and saving taxpayer dollars. The Juvenile Justice Center is the first U.S. Green Building Council LEED® Gold rated facility of its kind. Learn more...
Green Buying for a Better Tomorrow
For over two decades, the County has used its purchasing power as a force for good, requiring products meet stringent environmental and health performance standards. Learn more...
Lighting the Way: A Countywide Lighting Retrofit
Saving energy and taxpayer dollars was the goal of the County's 2009 lighting retrofit of 26,000 fixtures in over 3 million square feet of 52 county owned and leased buildings. The new lighting saves more than 2.9 million kilowatt hours of electricity and more than $350,000 taxpayer dollars per year. Learn more...
Partnering to Protect the Climate
To most effectively—and cost effectively—reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our County, we need to work together with other local governments, as well as businesses and individuals. The County has taken the lead in organizing the Alameda County & Cities Climate Partnership with all 14 cities. In January 2009, more than 175 elected officials and staff gathered to plan strategic climate action. Learn more...
Pioneering Large-Scale Solar
When the County's solar program started in the early 1990s, we were a pioneer. Today, more than a decade and nine solar projects later, Alameda County has installed 3.3 megawatts of solar panels at its facilities. Learn more...
Peralta Creek Restoration Video. Video requires Windows Media Player.
Revitalizing an Urban Neighborhood: Peralta Creek Restoration
Creeks in our communities provide natural beauty and valuable habitat for many plants and animals. The Peralta Creek Restoration Project provides flood protection to adjacent properties while creating an improved sustainable environment and wildlife habitat. The project turned a man-made channel back into natural habitat and revitalized a disadvantaged urban neighborhood with park-like views and a restored creek. Learn more...