Sorted By Topic
- Art IS Education
- Climate Protection
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Energy
- Green Building
- Purchasing
- Recycling / Waste Reduction
- Sustainability
- Transportation
- Wellness
Art IS Education
- Project Plan for Community Collage Quilt (Art IS Education 2012) (PDF - 452kb) *
- Project Plan for Green Map (Art IS Education 2011) (PDF - 642kb) *
- Sustainability Education Online Resources (PDF - 568kb) *
- Sustainability-Related Book List for K-12 Readers (PDF - 458kb) *
Climate Protection
Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations:
- Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations Executive Summary (PDF - 3570kb) *
- Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations (PDF - 5500kb) *
- Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations Resolution (PDF - 677kb) *
- Climate Action Principles Resolution (PDF - 176kb) *
- Legislative Platform 2021-22 (PDF - 1.27mb) *
Climate Action Plan for Unincorporated Communities
- Alameda County (Unincorporated Areas) Community Climate Action Plan, view the latest draft of the plan.
- Community Climate Action Plan Integration Resolution (PDF - 565kb) *
Greenhouse Gas Inventory:
- 2019 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Executive Summary and Progress Update (PDF - 1.1 MB) *
- 2003 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Executive Summary (PDF - 56kb) *
- 2003 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Full Report (PDF - 288kb) *
- 2010 Update: Government Services Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (PDF - 44kb) *
Fact Sheets:
- Climate Action Plan Fact Sheet (PDF - 216kb) *
- Climate Protection Leadership Fact Sheet (PDF - 168kb) *
- Alameda County's Resolution to Join Cool Counties (PDF - 292kb) *
- Climate Action Plan for Government Services and Operations Resolution (PDF - 677kb) *
- Climate Action Principles Resolution (PDF - 176kb) *
- Climate Action & Support for Paris Agreement Resolution (PDF - 22kb) *
- Climate Change Leadership Resolution (PDF - 934kb) *
- Climate Emergency Declaration (PDF - 383kb) *
- Cool Counties National Declaration
- Remote Work and Virtual Service Delivery Guidance
Ecosystem Restoration
Energy and Water
Technical Specifications:
- Lighting Technical Specification (PDF - 31kb) *
Case Studies / Fact Sheets:
- Energy and Water Efficiency Fact Sheet (PDF - 236kb) *
- R-REP (Regional Renewable Energy Procurement) Info Sheet (PDF - 502kb) *
- Santa Rita Jail Fuel Cell Case Study (PDF - 471kb) *
- Solar Case Study (PDF - 201kb) *
- East Bay Community Choice Aggregation Resolutions (PDF - 8MB) *
- Solar Energy Requirements for Unincorporated Areas - Ordinance
- Water Conservation Measures Resolution (PDF - 89kb) *
Green Building
Fact Sheets:
- Ashland Youth Center Fact Sheet (PDF - 124kb) *
- Castro Valley Library Fact Sheet (PDF - 251kb) *
- Green Building Program Case Study (PDF - 712kb) *
- Juvenile Justice Center: Design / Build Project Delivery (PDF - 215kb) *
- Juvenile Justice Center Green Building (PDF - 279kb) *
- Green Jobs and the Juvenile Justice Center Fact Sheet (PDF - 229kb) *
- Bay-Friendly Landscaping Resolution (PDF - 55kb) *
- Integrated Pest Management Policy (PDF - 118kb) *
- Green Building Ordinance for County Facilities (PDF - 103kb) *
- Green Building Ordinance for Unincorporated Communities (PDF - 181kb) *
- Real Property Portfolio Management Efficiency Resolution and Policy (PDF - 111kb) *
Resources and Specifications:
- Carpet Technical Specification (PDF - 159kb) *
- Construction Waste Management Specification (PDF - 154kb) *
- Green Cleaning Narrative (PDF - 232kb) *
- Green Lease Checklist (PDF - 316kb) *
- Green Lease Exhibit - Janitorial Services (PDF - 282kb) *
- Green Lease Research Summary (PDF - 435kb) *
- Green Lease Template (PDF - 194kb) *
- LEED Construction Specification (PDF - 220kb) *
- Low Carbon Concrete Performance Specification (PDF - 182kb) *
- Sustainable Building Design Checklist (PDF - 198kb) *
- Waste & Recycling Narrative (PDF - 294kb) *
Bid Excerpts and Construction Specifications:
- Food Service Bid Excerpt (PDF - 297kb) *
- Janitorial Cleaning Products bid excerpt (PDF - 644kb) *
- Janitorial Paper Products bid excerpt (PDF - 463kb) *
- Janitorial Trash Can Liners (PDF - 265kb) *
- Office Paper bid excerpt (PDF - 789kb) *
- Office Supplies bid excerpt (PDF - 1.5mb) *
- Printing Services bid excerpt (PDF - 309kb) *
Purchasing Policy
- Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Resolution and Policy (PDF - 110kb) *
Other Related Policies
- Bay-Friendly Landscaping Resolution (PDF - 55kb) *
- Integrated Pest Management Resolution (PDF - 118kb) *
- Green Building Ordinance for County Facilities (PDF - 103kb) *
- Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics Resolution (PDF - 68kb) *
- Supply Chain Sustainability Impacts of County Expenditures (PDF - 2583kb) *
- Climate Action through Purchasing: A training video
- Green and Healthy Events and Meetings Case Study (PDF - 1.3mb) *
- Green Impact, Locally Grown: Regional Sustainable Procurement Strategies with a Ripple Effect (PDF - 711kb) *
- Green Printing Best Practices Tip Sheet (PDF - 217kb) *
- Piggybacking for Green Purchasing Resource (PDF - 297kb) *
- Responsible Purchasing Network's Resources and Certifications Factsheet (PDF - 207kb) *
- Strategic Efforts on Copy Paper Case Study (PDF - 201kb) *
- Sustainable Purchasing Successes Infographic (PDF - 770kb) *
Recycling / Waste Reduction
- 75% Waste Diversion Resolution (PDF - 58kb) *
- Electronic Signature Policy (PDF - 100kb) *
- Measure D (PDF - 69kb) *
- Polystyrene Food Serviceware Ban in Unincorporated Areas - Ordinance (PDF) *
- Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance (PDF - 595kb) *
- Climate Leadership for California's Future (2017) (PDF - 7mb)
- Sustainability Brochure (2013) (PDF - 6116kb) *
- Sustainability for a Strong Alameda County Economy (2017) (PDF - 2mb)
Annual Reports
- GSA Transportation Services Annual Report, 2013-14 ( Printable) (PDF - 1109kb) *
- GSA Transportation Services Annual Report, 2012-13 (PDF - 1825kb) *
Fact Sheets:
- Electric Vehicle Projects Overview (PDF - 273kb) *
- Local Government EV Fleet Project Fact Sheet (PDF - 434kb) *
- Sustainable Transportation Fact Sheet (PDF - 82kb) *
- Waste Vegetable Oil Car Fact Sheet (PDF - 99kb) *
- Complete Streets Policy (PDF - 1297kb) *
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Policy
- Vehicle Use Policy
- Nutrition and Physical Activity Policy (PDF - 3100kb) *
- Worksite Wellness Policy (PDF - 1.11mb) *